Senior Pet Care Quiz 2024

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Senior Pet Care Quiz
Pets are generally considered senior pets at 7 years old. However, larger breed pets are considered seniors at 5-6 years of age.(Required)
Dogs age at the rate of 7 human years per each dog year.(Required)
There are obvious outward signs to show aging such as graying hair and moving at a slower pace. However, inside signs are harder to detect. In order for pets to have a chance to live a longer healthier life, they need the following...(Required)
The signs of arthritis is common in aging pets may include....(Required)
As pets age, other common issues that may appear that need to be seen by a veterinarian include but not limited to...(Required)
Please mark all of the problems caused by excess weight (select all that apply)(Required)
Sudden weight loss in pets can indicate an overactive thyroid, diabetes, and/or kidney disease.(Required)