Summer Education Quizzes 2022 Watch These Videos Take These Quizzes & Earn Up To EIGHT (8) Loyalty Stamps ($50 value) First Name Last Name Phone Email Fleas and ticks are...... Internal Parasites External Parasites The 4 stage flea life cycle (flea egg to adult flea) can last up to 6 months. True False Where are the key locations to look for fleas on your pet's body? Feet area, nose & mouth, and belly Tail area, head & neck, and belly Why do fleas cause such a problem in dogs and cats? Flea saliva can cause allergic reactions They can deplete the blood supply in puppies and kittens They spread the tapeworm (looks like rice) parasite All of the above Common diseases caused by ticks are......... Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever Lyme Disease Ehrlichiosis All of the above A tick infested environment puts pets AND humans at risk True False As many as 8000 flea eggs can be laid by a fully engorged tick. True False During the tick life cycle, the tick will need 3 hosts to complete their development. True False It is important to control fleas and ticks not only on your pet, but also in your environment. True False My pet(s) are currently on flea & tick prevention AND I treat my environment. Yes No I don't know Submit to receive THREE (3) Loyalty Stamps on the AHAHVet App (Flea & Tick Quiz) Complete THIS quiz on why to microchip your pet for TWO (2) Loyalty Stamps First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Pets run from home when scared during loud noises such as storms and fireworks while chasing something interesting. Yes No Microchips are a small capsule (size of a grain of rice) that goes under the skin True False A special reader is used to get owner information for lost pets who are microchipped True False Pet owners are responsible for updating contact information annually for the microchip database. True False Are your pets currently microchipped? Yes No I don't know Would you like for one of our team members to contact you about microchipping your pet? Yes, please! No thank you! Submit to receive TWO (2) Loyalty Stamps on the AHAHVet App (Microchip Quiz) First Name Last Name Email Phone What are some common signs of heat stress in pets? Heavy panting Increased drooling Weakness & Confusion All of the above What are some ways to minimize heat stress in pets? Go on short walks Keep pet well groomed or shear hair Provide fresh cool water and shade All of the above Hot pavement and hot asphalt can burn your pets' paw pads when exercising your pet. True False Some pets enjoy water on hot days. Never leave your pet alone when in the pool or when on the lake. True False Going to the beach? Salt water can upset a pet's stomach. True False When around summer fireworks, keep pets safe by...... leaving them at home put in a crate or bathroom turning on calming music All of the above Submit to receive THREE (3) Loyalty Stamps on the AHAHVet app (Summer Safety Quiz)